the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
Me: This week the baby is called a foetus. It's Latin for "offspring"
Hubby: you mean it doesn't mean "us, we have feet?"

Blame it on the hormones but that left me in giggles!!!!
Ok I admit it, I did a single blind test on my poor unsuspecting neighbourhood GP.  My first (regular GP) didn't want to do a HCG test as we knew the date of my last menstrual period, so I booked another appointment with a new doctor and told him that I had no idea when my last period was.  New doctor was delightful and very accommodating, providing me with the required pathology slip with no questions asked.  Results above!  Yay! It really amazes me the wonders of modern medicine - that they can pinpoint the almost exact age of the Bump based on the levels of hormones circulating in the blood.   I am feeling very positive and much more relaxed about Bump now that I know (as much as you can know from just HCG levels in the blood - apparently that indicates the placenta is growing well) that things are progressing normally.  Next step, 8 week ultrasound!  I really hope we can hear the Bump's heartbeat.  :)
Week 7 and I'm feeling pretty good - still no sign of morning sickness, which is actually making me nervous.  I know I should be grateful that I don't feel sick, but at least morning sickness would give me an indication that I'm actually pregnant you know?  
I'm finding that the anxiety about whether Bump is developing normally is completely overwhelming when I'm tired.  On Friday, after a long week at my full time job, I had trouble keeping my emotions in check, and I felt like my mood was careening all over the place.  Moral of the story? Don't let myself get that tired.  

Due to my stress levels regarding Bump, I booked myself another GP appointment to get my HCG levels tested - I get my results tomorrow.  Fingers crossed! I also booked myself in for an 8 week ultrasound - I really hope we get to see the Bump's heartbeat!  I'm overthinking things I know, but I really can't help i

Symptoms: tender boobs, highly emotional, somewhat tired, intermittent insomnia, and constipation.
All these symptoms aren't really affecting my lifestyle and I'm still continuing to be busy and enjoy the pregnancy.
I am eating junk and promise that this week I will much better at providing nutrition for myself and baby. 
Weight: 48 kgs (I have gained 2 kilos).

It seems a day doesn't pass though, if someone asks me whether I am pregnant.  I express a wish for icecream, I must be pregnant.  I express a wish for banana dessert, I must be pregnant.  I turn down a glass of wine, OMG I MUST BE PREGNANT.  I'll pay the last reason though, there would be no other reason for me to be going teetotaller!  :)

Body news - The first symptom of pregnancy for me was the tender boobs.  Sorry to be so blunt, but my nipples are HUGE and so sensitive and they are brown.  WHOSE BOOBS ARE THESE?!!  I have been wearing a bra 24/7.  
Other than that, nothing much to report - some tiredness but nothing crazy, no sign of morning sickness (which worries me a bit), and more frequent trips to the bathroom.  

OCD pregnancy tests so far:  
1. 2 May 2013 - Positive
2. 4 May 2013 - Positive
3. 7 May 2013 - Positive
4. 10 May 2013 - Positive
Week 7! 
I told my Mum and my sister over the weekend, and they were so happy! Such joyous news - I just want to TELL EVERYONE.
Hubby is on board and being a delight - which makes me love him even more.  I've been fairly tired after work, so he has been very helpful.

Symptoms are:
1. sore tender boobs - I am in my padded  bra 24/7 these days, and these ever-growing boobs are causing some sleep difficulties
2. a bit of fatigue
3. I may or may not be a little moody. SHHHHH
4. Hypervigilance about EVERYTHING that could possibly harm Bump.  I'm anxious about tripping, stumbling, falling, overheating, eating the wrong thing, or drinking the wrong thing.  WHO KNEW being a mum was so anxiety-provoking!?

Still no morning sickness - which makes me a bit nervous. While I am very grateful to not be sick, I think it would be comforting to know that my hormone levels are rising as they should.

I'm eating with impunity - which is great, and have put on 700grams so far.

This whole decaf coffee thing is a joke - I miss proper coffee and cups of tea!  AND WINE. 

Still loving being preggers, and trying to enjoy

I never knew you had to research and find your OWN obstetrician - I can hardly spell the profession, let alone know how to find them or what qualities to look for.  Thus, I chose the two private hospitals close to home (Epworth Freemason in East Melbourne, and St Vincent's Private in Fitzroy) and looked up who delivers there.  That narrowed it down.  Then, I looked on these hospital websites, and they have lists of the obstetricians that have delivering rights there.  THEN, I called up a few (ok, seven) to see:
1) if they were available to deliver at my expected due date (7 January 2014) - so couldn't have someone who was going to take the school holidays off and go sun themselves on an island somewhere, or someone who was going to a conference around that time.
2) what their fees are.  Each doc will decide what they want to charge for outpatient visits- Medicare covers some, and then you pay the gap (should the doc claim over and above the medicare funded fee). Some docs are no-gap.  The average out of pocket fee for the whole pregnancy is, on average, between $3000 and $3500.

From my conversations with these clinic secretaries, I discovered that some obstetricians specialise in high-risk pregnancies and won't take you on if there are no problems.  Fair enough, and I'm very thankful that I am not needing these services.

After speaking to the secretaries about booking in a time to meet the doctor, they sent me information packs with the financial agreement and forms to fill in before attending the appointment.

Turns out there are LOTS of online reviews about obstetricians - do some online research!  I crossed a few off the list that way, as I knew I didn't want an arrogant obstetrician, or o

now... I just need to research what questions to ask him or her at the appointment!

We are SO excited!  Ok, I am so excited! We are PREGNANT!!  We conceived on the first cycle we tried - I know we SO so blessed and I thank whatever higher power, deity, fate, destiny, or other entity for this wonderful precious life.  I will endeavour to give back to universe as much as I can in life in utter gratefulness and thanks.  

Hubby is being a little cautious and trying to keep my headspace on an even keel in case anything awful happens (knock on wood, and then more wood again).  It's a really tough secret to keep as I am an open book, hate keeping secrets this joyous, am an eternal optimist, and just so.happy.and.excited that I want to tell EVERYONE.  

Hubby initally called the Bump (ok, the grain of poppy seed at this stage) the "parasite" until I got angry at him, and then amended his pet name to "ALF" (alien life form).  I am already calling it the baby.  I understand being cautious until the first trimester is over, but I really want to enjoy this pregnancy and by then, I would have missed a third of this amazing time!  Also, if anything bad does happen (knock on wood) then I would want my closest family and friends for support.   And I LOVE spreading the joy!  It's so lovely when people are happy for you. I also believe that stress reactions and anxiety will have an effect on the embryo, so I am staying happy and positive and oh-so-grateful for this little miracle of love.