the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
Week 7 and I'm feeling pretty good - still no sign of morning sickness, which is actually making me nervous.  I know I should be grateful that I don't feel sick, but at least morning sickness would give me an indication that I'm actually pregnant you know?  
I'm finding that the anxiety about whether Bump is developing normally is completely overwhelming when I'm tired.  On Friday, after a long week at my full time job, I had trouble keeping my emotions in check, and I felt like my mood was careening all over the place.  Moral of the story? Don't let myself get that tired.  

Due to my stress levels regarding Bump, I booked myself another GP appointment to get my HCG levels tested - I get my results tomorrow.  Fingers crossed! I also booked myself in for an 8 week ultrasound - I really hope we get to see the Bump's heartbeat!  I'm overthinking things I know, but I really can't help i

Symptoms: tender boobs, highly emotional, somewhat tired, intermittent insomnia, and constipation.
All these symptoms aren't really affecting my lifestyle and I'm still continuing to be busy and enjoy the pregnancy.
I am eating junk and promise that this week I will much better at providing nutrition for myself and baby. 
Weight: 48 kgs (I have gained 2 kilos).

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