the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
We are SO excited!  Ok, I am so excited! We are PREGNANT!!  We conceived on the first cycle we tried - I know we SO so blessed and I thank whatever higher power, deity, fate, destiny, or other entity for this wonderful precious life.  I will endeavour to give back to universe as much as I can in life in utter gratefulness and thanks.  

Hubby is being a little cautious and trying to keep my headspace on an even keel in case anything awful happens (knock on wood, and then more wood again).  It's a really tough secret to keep as I am an open book, hate keeping secrets this joyous, am an eternal optimist, and just so.happy.and.excited that I want to tell EVERYONE.  

Hubby initally called the Bump (ok, the grain of poppy seed at this stage) the "parasite" until I got angry at him, and then amended his pet name to "ALF" (alien life form).  I am already calling it the baby.  I understand being cautious until the first trimester is over, but I really want to enjoy this pregnancy and by then, I would have missed a third of this amazing time!  Also, if anything bad does happen (knock on wood) then I would want my closest family and friends for support.   And I LOVE spreading the joy!  It's so lovely when people are happy for you. I also believe that stress reactions and anxiety will have an effect on the embryo, so I am staying happy and positive and oh-so-grateful for this little miracle of love. 

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