the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
It seems a day doesn't pass though, if someone asks me whether I am pregnant.  I express a wish for icecream, I must be pregnant.  I express a wish for banana dessert, I must be pregnant.  I turn down a glass of wine, OMG I MUST BE PREGNANT.  I'll pay the last reason though, there would be no other reason for me to be going teetotaller!  :)

Body news - The first symptom of pregnancy for me was the tender boobs.  Sorry to be so blunt, but my nipples are HUGE and so sensitive and they are brown.  WHOSE BOOBS ARE THESE?!!  I have been wearing a bra 24/7.  
Other than that, nothing much to report - some tiredness but nothing crazy, no sign of morning sickness (which worries me a bit), and more frequent trips to the bathroom.  

OCD pregnancy tests so far:  
1. 2 May 2013 - Positive
2. 4 May 2013 - Positive
3. 7 May 2013 - Positive
4. 10 May 2013 - Positive

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