the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
Ok I admit it, I did a single blind test on my poor unsuspecting neighbourhood GP.  My first (regular GP) didn't want to do a HCG test as we knew the date of my last menstrual period, so I booked another appointment with a new doctor and told him that I had no idea when my last period was.  New doctor was delightful and very accommodating, providing me with the required pathology slip with no questions asked.  Results above!  Yay! It really amazes me the wonders of modern medicine - that they can pinpoint the almost exact age of the Bump based on the levels of hormones circulating in the blood.   I am feeling very positive and much more relaxed about Bump now that I know (as much as you can know from just HCG levels in the blood - apparently that indicates the placenta is growing well) that things are progressing normally.  Next step, 8 week ultrasound!  I really hope we can hear the Bump's heartbeat.  :)

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