the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
See attached pic of little Baby!  20 week ultrasound this morning – baby is perfect!  Phew - I was so anxious and excited the night before I couldn't sleep. Hubby came with me, the scan took about an hour and the sonographer - Dr Rebecca Chalmers at Camberwell Ultrasound was wonderful - she explained everything we were looking at, all her measurements, and even said Baby was very cute.  Baby was very active during the scan but she managed to get everything she needed (with some poking at Baby to get him/her to move).   The pics above are of (clockwise from big pic on the left) - 3D scan of Baby's face, then 2D profile pic, and then a pic of his/her tiny little feet!  Aw bless.  The 3D picture is amazing isn't it?  It was 4D in the room, as we could see Baby move at the same time.  I gasped when I saw the 4D image come up on the big screen - that's actually what our child looks like!  

The purpose (and results) of this ultrasound was to:
  • To confirm that the fetus is alive.  OMG YES. Confirmed. Strong healthy heartbeat and baby was very active.
  • To diagnose multiple pregnancy if no earlier scan was performed. Just the one bubs.
  • To confirm your due date if no earlier scan was performed. Still 6 Jan 2014 - everything was measuring bang on target.
  • To assess fetal growth by measuring the fetal head, abdomen and femur. All within good ranges for Week 20.
  • To assess the fetal anatomy. This involves a detailed examination of the fetal head, brain, face, lips, heart, stomach, lungs, abdominal wall, kidneys, bladder, spine, arms, legs, hands, and feet. Upon request, the fetal gender can be disclosed in most situations. No anatomical anomalies found. No skeletal, soft tissue, organ, or cardiovascular issues found. The heart valves were all normal, diaphragm was fine, there is no evidence of a cleft palate or lip, and there was no problem seen with the spine.  We told Rebecca we didn't want to find out the gender - and asked her to write it down and put it in an envelope.  Said envelope is now burning a hole in my diary - haven't caved yet!
  • To assess the position of the placenta. Great position on the left hand side of the uterus - no where near the cervix.
  • To assess the liquor volume. No probs - although she said they just eyeball this.  
  • To assess the length of the cervix. She didn't say but did say that it was nice and closed.  
  • To check for ovarian cysts or fibroids. Nada.  
See below two pics for specific data. 

Overall, it was an amazing hour spent being able to see into the life growing in my body, and it was wonderful being able to share . Technology is amazing.  Feeling extremely blessed and happy and amazed that this is growing inside me!  

1/19/2019 10:04:39 pm

Normal development criteria for 20weeks baby fetal


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