the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her

I have never seen a woman labouring in person, and have really only seen the birthing process depicted in movies. I'm not that naive that I actually think Hollywood would be accurate, so I decided to watch a few youtube videos this afternoon to educate myself on what labour is about. You know, forewarned is forearmed and all that?! I've watched two so far (both home births in water) and it looks SO.*^%#}^+^%.PAINFUL.

I'm a little scared now! I really want to try and go through it drug free ( I want to be fully present and with no drugs on board) but I've never heard woman actually moo like cows in pain before! Seriously, mothers are amazing creatures and bravo to those of you who have given birth. Me? I've got 5 months to prepare myself!

Definitely can't fit into pre-pregnancy pants anymore!! Staple items have been dresses for work and maternity jeans on the weekend..

According to, Linea nigra is a condition in which pregnant women experience a darkening (hyperpigmentation) in the midline of the abdomen. It is typically a thin line of darker coloured skin that extends from the belly button downwards towards the pubic hair but may also extend upwards to just below the ribs. The line always runs vertically in the midline of the abdomen. The darkening is due to increased pigmentation of a ligament, the linea alba (white line) that exists in this area. When it becomes darkened, it is then referred to as the linea nigra (dark line).
Approximately 90% of pregnant women will experience some form of skin darkening (hyperpigmentation) during their pregnancy.
The exact cause is not known but it is thought to occur due to increased levels of hormones in pregnancy. These include:
  • Melanocyte stimulating hormone – a hormone that stimulates melanocytes – the cells in the body that produce pigment and give rise to darker skin, freckles, birthmarks (naevi) etc.;
  • Oestrogen; and
  • Progesterone.

I know it's normal, but I'm glad it disappears after giving birth!!!