the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her

This was a lamp that hubby had pre-me. I have always hated it and has lived in the garage since he moved in with me. I even ran over its mate with my car.. Today I revamped it for Baby and now it's cute!!!

21 weeks and 3 days pregnant - Last night, baby daddy was talking to Baby with his face on my belly, and Baby started kicking his face!  SUCH a wonderful moment!  It's been real for me for a long time, this life inside me, and I think that actually feeling Baby kick and respond to his voice was an amazing moment for hubby.  I immediately started crying (naturally!).

I'm very pleased that we are going through this incredible (and often scary) journey together - it's been extremely bonding.


For the past few days, I've been feeling funny little flutters in my belly- and wondering if they were baby's movements... Tonight, at 330am (can't sleep for excitement and anxiety about tomorrow mornings anomaly scan) I think I feel kicks! I have no idea if that's what they are, I just know I've never felt this feeling before! What a weird feeling, being kicked from the inside...


Feeling much worse in this second trimester- in comparison, the first trimester was a breeze! This is NOT what the books tell you, as they usually describe the second trimester as the best time in the whole of the nine months! Feeling exhausted, with round ligament pain, headaches, short of breath, very light sleep, and very little appetite at night. Hate not being able to do things as easily as I used to!

So, in the books and TV shows and movies about women going into labour, the things that always seem to happen are that the father is never around (smoking a cigar somewhere else entirely or worriedly pacing in another room), water is boiled, and sheets are frantically torn into strips.  I get that labour was seen as secret women's business and that sometimes the father would be more hindrance and help, and I get that the water is for sterilising things, but what on earth is the sheet tearing for?!  Anyone?

I had my first inappropriate belly fondling experience tonight! It was a very friendly and lovely South American sales assistant in a menswear shop, and she was very sweet, which made is less creepy. Still, it took me by surprise as it's not something that happens in life if you're not pregnant!I'm 18 weeks and 3 days along.