the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
We are trying to train our fur-kids before Baby comes - this includes:
1) no dogs on the couch
2) baby toys are not dog toys
3) getting them used to baby sounds (we downloaded them from the internet)
4) Mummy carrying around the faux pretend baby (see above pic) and trying to do things one handed.
5) pram training - taking the dogs on walks with the pram.  We almost took the doll with us too one day but thought that made us look a little...odd.  
6) no jumping up
7) no barking at arriving humans

I agree with you that this list is LONG and Baby is coming in 8 short weeks.  They have been pretty good so far however, and I hope they will embrace the littlest member of the pack with open paws! 

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