the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her

I'm generally awake at 5am every morning listening to hubby snore!!


Exciting! Not long to go now!


Lots of stuff here- room thermometer, Nappies, wipes, nappy bag, tea, laundry powder, magazines, moisturizers, and a whole bunch of pamphlets...There's nothing like freebies in a huge commercial industry to hook people on brand loyalty!!

Hubby and I went out dancing last weekend - and it turns out I can still dance (somewhat)!  I am now 17 kilos heavier (mostly in my tummy) and wearing heels isn't as fun as it used to be... Hubby said I was more grounded now during my spins - probably cos of the effects of gravity!!!!

Grainy iPhone video here!
Baby is measuring 3 kilograms and in the 85 percentile today.  He / she is in head down transverse position.  

Dr Chris Russell gave the OK to continue drinking raspberry leaf tea to soften the cervix.

One episode of night sweats is not any reason for concern.

He took a look at our three page birth plan and had no problem with it - except for that he strongly advocates for active management of the third stage of labour (delivering the placenta). He said that it was a life-saving technique for mothers to reduce significantly the risk of post partum haemorrhage.  Basically, he will inject into my thigh the oxytocin once the baby's shoulders are out, then with one hand on my uterus to monitor contractions, he will pull on the umbilical cord to guide the placenta out. 

He is also not one for delayed cord clamping - he said that it has negligible effects on Baby's haemoglobin levels and that it is more important for direct and immediate skin to skin contact.  

My blood sugar levels have been great and within the strict ranges so he said perhaps we could go to 39.5 weeks - which means 2 or 3rd January 2014.  I would prefer not to have Baby's birthday at Christmas/ New Years time so this is great.

He suggested starting weekly membrane sweeps starting at 37 / 38 weeks to hopefully induce labour within a week or so - I will have to do more research on this!  

He was OK with me starting to express colustrum next week for baby in case he/she is hypoglycaemic - but to stop if I got contractions.

BP was fine.  


Woah my boobs started leaking tonight- amazing but odd!


A present from hubby's students! Lots of essentials like no doz, coffee, ear plugs, nurofen, and a date night gift card! ;)