the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
Today we had our first obstetric appointment with Dr Chris Russell!  I've never been to an OB appointment before so did not know what to expect at all.  After the hellos, Chris pretty much said, "Well, let's take a look at the baby then!" and I hopped up on his table for the ultrasound.  Loved that he did that first as, for me (at this visit anyway), that was the main event!  I've recently been wishing there was a window into my uterus so I could see that everything was going ok.  The gel went on, the wand pushed in, and hey presto - he found Baby! See amazing picture above - taken by my wonderful husband, as I was way too busy crying.  WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING.  How to explain?  Well, I've known I've been pregnant for the past 2 months - what with the no period, sore boobs, tiredness, emotionality, hard lower tummy, and heightened sense of smell - but I really had no idea or concept that everything was progressing normally.  The lack of morning sickness, which I should see as a blessing, also concerned me, as I didn't really *feel that* pregnant.  I've been able to work a fairly full-on full time job across three offices, continue my dance training, and keep up with my family and friends.  This is in stark contrast to many of the posts I see on my birth month facebook group that complain of constant nausea, exhaustion, and just being exhausted and miserable. I FELT FINE. GLOWING with our special little secret.  Additionally, I've been reading a lot of pregnancy books, which frankly, have a lot of horror stories and incredibly sad tales that served to educate me and terrify me at the same time.  My BFF Liz told me to stop reading the books, but I just couldn't - good advice though!  SEEING the baby, still in my belly, growing as he/she should be, with a visibly beating heart was an almost spiritual experience.  Hubby and I MADE that life!  He/she is a product of our wonderful love. I am SUSTAINING THAT LIFE IN MY BELLY.   That life is mine and ours to nurture and teach and love and protect and PARENT.  WOW. 

Anyway, back to the amazing picture above - Baby from crown to rump is 2cm, he saw a heartbeat, the head, limbs, and Dr Chris dated him/her at 8 weeks 6 days.  My estimated due date is the 6th January 2014. 

Dr Chris - he said that since seeing the scan, there is now only a 1% chance of miscarriage.  What a relief.   There was apparently a 20-30% chance of something being wrong before being able to see baby on a scan.  After he let hubby and I weep a bit and hug and take photos, we got back to the appointment matters- which consisted of a medical history, health check, answering my incessant questions, a pap smear, and referrals for bloods and another 12 week scan.  We were very happy with him - he was clear, direct, professional but friendly, knowledgable, and answered all our questions without hesitation. What I really appreciated about him was that he was able to form an opinion and give it to us without prevaricating,  and his opinion that he will only intervene medically if it's really necessary.

His answers to our questions:
  • He shares his weekend/holiday roster with Michael Rasmussen, Neil Israelson, & Owen Stock.
  • He is happy with standing or squatting births except for the last few pushes (to protect my pelvic floor)
  • His C-section rate is 30 - 35% - which is average.
  • His episiotomy rate depends on whether forceps are required (15%).  Rate is very low otherwise
  • He delivers 15 babies per month
  • If we go beyond our due date, he will offer induction at weeks 41-42. He said that we would not leave Baby inside after 42 weeks due to higher risk of still birth after week 42.
  • There will be a midwife (on call) in the room, and then whoever I want. 
  • I can use or not use whatever form of pain relief I want - it's totally up to me.
  • 4 nights stay if normal uncomplicated birth
  • Appointment schedule is flexible, but generally -  13 wks, 17-18 wks, 20-21wk scan, Wk 23, Wk 28, Wk 30 with midwife, then every 2 weeks to week 36, then weekly until birth.

Til next time! xo

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