the chronicles of The Bump and the smitten parents who already love him/her
Due to the brown bleeding, hubby took me to the Emergency department at the Mercy hospital this morning.  Was my first time being a patient in a hospital and did not realise the interminable wait time!  We were there from 8am to 9.30am, with most of that waiting to be triaged.  A lovely nurse Colleen did the triaging and took the blood work (for blood type and HCG level), and then she paged Dr Chris Russell to come scan me.  He arrived pretty promptly and took us upstairs for an ultrasound.  Result below.
Turns out baby is FINE - has been steadily growing and is exactly where Bump should be.  What a relief.  Apparently bleeding is very normal, especially after having a pap smear and having sex.  The cervix is highly vascularised at the moment and bleeding is common.  Dr Chris's advice was to try and not worry.  Ha!   I'm pregnant, hormonal, and carrying this grape/date sized life with a heartbeat and internal organs, and eyes, and nervous system, and everything else in my tummy! Ok, I'll relax.  Going to try and be all nonchalant about creating this life and all.  :)

Happy end to a night of stress.  Yay!

P.s. I think I'm in love with my OB. He's so NICE. and KNOWLEDGABLE.  and well-dressed. and doesn't think I'm crazy (well, at least he doesn't show it).

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